Curbside recycling should be loose whenever possible. If your recycling must be bagged, then please use only clear or transparent blue recycling bags. For safety reasons, our staff will not open non-transparent bags as they cannot see what is inside. Anything received in black, white, green, and/or orange plastic bags will, therefore, be considered trash and will not be recycled.
Curbside Recycling is only intended to recover household recyclables such as cardboard, paper, plastics, aluminum/tin cans, etc. Other recyclable items such as batteries, metal items, paint cans, etc. need to be brought to Evergreen separately. Please see how to deal with other items in the extended information below.
Please feel free to call our office if you have questions about recyclables and or recycling in general. 204-867-7161
You can also visit or our “What Can I Recycle” page for online information.
Items Commonly Found in Curbside Recycling That Shouldn’t Be:
-Diapers (trash)
-Food Waste (trash or back yard/municipal compost)
-Chip Bags, Candy Wrappers (trash)
-Batteries (can be brought to Evergreen separately)
-Car Parts (trash or can be brought to scrap metal pile at Evergreen)
-Toys (trash or donate)
-Wood (trash or bring separately to Evergreen)
-Metal (can be brought separately to Evergreen)
-Kitty Litter (trash)
-Clothing (trash or donate)
-Grocery Bags (trash or check w/grocery store; they may take them back)
-Plastic Film, ie. cereal/cracker box liners, etc. (trash)
-Aluminum Foil (trash)
-Fast Food Containers (trash)
-Aerosol Cans (can be brought separately to Evergreen)
-Paint Cans (can be brought separately to Evergreen)
-Garden Hoses
-Drywall or other construction material
Recyclable Items to be Brought to Evergreen Separately:
- Scrap Metal
- Lumber
- Electronics
- Propane Tanks
- Batteries
- Cooking or Motor Oil
- Paint
- Aerosol Cans
- Light Bulbs
- Household Hazardous Waste
- Twine and Bale Wrap
- Mattresses/Box Springs
- Tires
- Kerosene
- Empty Fuel Jugs